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HomeArticlesAliens Crypto HTB Write Up: A Detailed Guide

Aliens Crypto HTB Write Up: A Detailed Guide

The aliens crypto htb write up provides a fun, engaging opportunity for security enthusiasts and crypto puzzle solvers. In this write-up, we will walk through each stage of solving the challenge, explaining the process in detail, from understanding the initial clues to cracking the encryption and achieving the final flag.

Overview of the aliens crypto htb write up

aliens crypto htb write up

Difficulty Level: Easy/Medium
Category: Cryptography
Platform: Hack The Box (HTB)
Tools Required: Python, CyberChef, Cryptography libraries, Linux terminal

Step 1: Understanding the Challenge

Upon initiating the aliens crypto htb write up, the first thing we encounter is a description providing some clues. Often, challenges like this give minimal but crucial hints about what to expect. The challenge description might refer to extraterrestrial communication or use cryptic phrases that suggest encryption methods commonly associated with aliens, such as extraterrestrial ciphers or galactic encryption.

In this particular challenge, we receive an encrypted file or a string of ciphertext that looks peculiar and undecipherable at first glance. The first step is to examine this ciphertext carefully for patterns and characteristics.

Step 2: Analyzing the Ciphertext

Let’s assume the provided ciphertext looks something like this:


To begin deciphering, we must first check if the string contains any regular patterns or characters that hint at a specific cryptographic technique. Is it a simple substitution cipher, a more complex one like Vigenère, or a modern algorithm?

Here’s a checklist of things we can do to analyze the ciphertext:

  • Frequency analysis: Check the occurrence of characters and compare it to English letter frequency.
  • Base encoding: It could be Base64, Base32, or Base58 encoded.
  • Binary/Hexadecimal: It might be a binary representation of text or a hexadecimal string.
  • Transposition or substitution ciphers: Tools like Caesar cipher, Vigenère, or XOR may have been used.

Step 3: Decoding Using CyberChef

CyberChef, an all-purpose online tool, is incredibly handy for analyzing ciphertext. We can use its various operations to try common encodings and ciphers.

  1. Load the Ciphertext in CyberChef
    Paste the string into CyberChef’s input panel. CyberChef has operations to handle numerous types of encryption and encoding techniques.
  2. Try Base Encoding Operations
    Since many HTB challenges use Base encodings, start by attempting Base64, Base32, and other encoding operations. If the ciphertext was encoded using Base64 or Base32, decoding it here will yield meaningful text.
  3. Substitution Ciphers
    If the Base encoding fails, we might consider that it’s a Caesar or Vigenère cipher. CyberChef also provides these operations. Start by shifting the characters using the Caesar cipher operation or use a Vigenère cipher with a guessed or provided key.
  4. Pattern Recognition
    Look for any patterns in the output or the presence of recognizable words. If the output becomes partially readable, refine the cipher key or shift to get the correct decryption.

Step 4: Manual Cryptanalysis with Python

If CyberChef doesn’t lead to immediate success, we may need to write a Python script to help crack the encryption. Python, with libraries like cryptography or pycryptodome, is a powerful tool for crypto challenges. For example, if we suspect that the challenge uses XOR encryption, we can write a simple Python script to attempt decryption with various keys:


def xor_decrypt(ciphertext, key):
return ''.join(chr(ord(c) ^ ord(key)) for c in ciphertext)

key = "alienkey" # Hypothetical key

decrypted_text = xor_decrypt(ciphertext, key)

We can adjust the script to test different keys and find the correct one. This manual analysis is time-consuming but highly rewarding if successful.

Step 5: Identifying the Encryption Algorithm

Let’s assume that through our manual testing or automated tool, we identify the encryption method as XOR with a repeating key, or perhaps a simple Caesar shift. The challenge then becomes finding the correct key.

  1. Brute Force Key Guessing
    If the key is unknown, brute-forcing possible keys is often an approach. For XOR encryption, we can try common English words as keys or write a Python script to try multiple combinations.
  2. Known Plaintext Attack
    In some cases, we might have clues about the plaintext (like the format of the flag or part of the message). For instance, many HTB flags follow a pattern like HTB{flag_content_here}, which helps in testing decryption methods.

Step 6: Obtaining the Flag

Once we identify the correct encryption algorithm and key, the ciphertext will decrypt into readable text. The flag will typically follow the HTB standard format:


At this stage, copy the flag and submit it to the Hack The Box platform to complete the challenge.

Step 7: Tools and Techniques Recap

To summarize, here are the key tools and techniques we used in the aliens crypto htb write up:

  • CyberChef: A versatile tool for experimenting with different encryption algorithms and encodings.
  • Python: For scripting custom decryption algorithms, particularly for ciphers like XOR, Caesar, or Vigenère.
  • Frequency Analysis: Used to analyze the ciphertext for patterns.
  • Base Encodings: Tested various Base encodings (Base64, Base32) for decoding the ciphertext.
  • Cryptanalysis: Applied manual and automated cryptanalysis methods to identify and crack the encryption algorithm.


The aliens crypto htb write up demonstrates the need for strong cryptographic problem-solving skills. By systematically analyzing the ciphertext, applying known cryptographic techniques, and utilizing tools like CyberChef and Python scripts, we were able to decrypt the message and obtain the flag. Challenges like these not only enhance technical skills but also foster creative thinking and persistence in solving encryption puzzles.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced security enthusiast, the aliens crypto htb write-up provides valuable insights into cryptographic principles and the importance of methodical analysis in solving real-world cryptography problems. Keep practicing, and soon you’ll be cracking even more complex cryptographic challenges on platforms like Hack The Box!



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